Hollis offers two unique places for individual retreats, the Hideaway and the Meadow Cottage each with their own unique amenities.
While each person has their own preferences, here are a few tips for creating a positive experience.
Be clear about the purpose of your retreat (get work done, rest, cleanse, silence, pray, etc). Pack clothes for the weather. If possible, turn off your cell phone.
Bring good, simple food. Both buildings have complete kitchens, but try not to spend a lot of time cooking.
Bring a good book, though there is interesting reading material around Hollis. Bring good walking shoes, the Hollis trails are rocky and steep in places.
Walk our Labyrinth as a tool for prayer/meditation. When you arrive, take a nap. Our culture tends to be overly tired. We need the rest in order to begin the “work” of the retreat. Bring bug spray and make sure and do “tick checks” after exploring the woods.
Traditionally, the concept of taking a retreat is to remove yourself from your daily assigned roles in order to take time to reflect about life, faith, relationships, or work.
After the retreat, you return to your daily roles refreshed with renewed energy or perspective.
Jesus took retreats (Luke 5:16) or was forced to take them (Mark 1:12) and set a precedence for others to spend sacred time away, allowing God to speak during the time of the retreat.
With many people facing hardship, your generosity is needed more than ever. By supporting Hollis you give others a place to reflect and renew.
Hollis Renewal Center
"Extending Christian Hospitality to all since 1988"
Physical Address: 11414 Kansas Avenue Kansas City, Kansas 66111
Mailing Address: PO Box 402, Bonner Springs, Kansas 66012
O: 913.441.0451 | C: 913.206.4947 | info@holliscenter.org
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